Sunday, February 22, 2004

Good day there.

It's been quite a while since I last posted here hasn't it? I must apologize as I have been mostly busy with papers and exams and all that other wonderful college stuff. I have also managed to zap the index file for this here weblog of mine so thee may or may not be other posts here besides the one that says 'test'. I will make some attempt to keep a back up of all this incase this sort of thing happens again but I cannot promise anything. In other site related news you may notice that I resized the picture on the homepage. One of my friends who was there when the picture was taken noticed that I has indeed stretched the crap out of it and urged me to change it back so I did.

In other important life news Lucinda and I celebrated the one year anniverery of when we started dating on the 21st, now yesterday. It was most excellent; we went to Bennigins for dinner and then out to see '50 First dates.' That was a very good film if I do say so myself. We both had an excellent time this evening and we both look forward to the next year of being together.

Well, as usual I have to get up early in the morning so I must be off to bed. I will make an attempt to update this more regularly as my intention was, but may just fall to 'as needed' updates while I am in school.
Good Night and God Bless... this is Dave Shier signing off.


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