Monday, February 07, 2005

School, jury duty and the Greg Traviss Band

Well, we are about one month into spring semester here at CMU. Consequently it is also my last semester here.For those that don't know, I am not actually graduating but transferring to Oakland Community College to start an Associates degree un Culinary Arts. The degree should take me probably about 2 or 2 and a half years. Leaving CMU will be bitter sweet, even though I am going to be doing something I like at OCC I still have to leave here and that means not being able to see Lucy as much as I would like, we will work it out though, I am confident of that. I sent in the app for OCC in on satuday so they should get it today or tomorrow. I am not worried about getting accepted as OCC takes pretty much anyone unless you are a) a terrorist or b) your an illegal alien, and even b is questionable. The Culinary Program is not one of those ones that puts you on a waiting list either so that is good as I have a personal vendetta agaist such programs.
As far as classes go at CMU I had an exam in my New Testament class on friday and got that back today. I got a solid B, which is not bad considering that Dr. Reader gives us more info that we could ever remember.

Now on to jury duty. Appearantly I have been summoned to serve jury duty on the 25th of this month. Being that I am at school and have no car it could be rather hard to make this date so I am seeking a deferrment till June on this little involuntary act of public service. I guess that is what I get for being a guy and having registered for the Selective service and having registered to vote... anyway, a pain in the butt since it went to my parents house and I just got the info in the mail from mom and dad on Saturday so I have to act kinda fast on this deferrment thing. If I don't get it and don't show they kinda can put a bench warrent out for my arrest and I don't want that. Which reminds me I soooo need to call them before 5.

I was gonna talk about the Greg Traviss band, but I have to head out so I will do that lata... peace out!


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