Friday, February 11, 2005

The most satisfying Bowel Movment ever!!!!

What a day! I got up at 8:30 this morning and went to class... wow was that the most interesting installment of Dr. Reader I have ever seen, and he even offered extra credit! He never has done that before! Ever! Should be interesting to see how that all pans out.

I called the court today because appearently I got a real nasty letter in the mail yesterday as they had not received my pre-report juror questionaire. Anyway, when I called I found out that I got my defferment. I have to do the jury duty thing on the 3rd of June.... should be supreemly boring, but atleast I will be able to make it and no bench warrents will get issued for me failing to report. Good Stuff!

I got this email today linking me to a new product for all those music types. It was part of an ad for this new product from DVForge what it does is it converts either a 1/4 in. plug or an XLR (mic cable) to a USB cable for recording purposes. For more info go to this site:

I also want to take this time to plug the Greg Traviss Band, though they will be changing the name and getting what would seem to be pretty serious soon. They are great, lead by my man Greg Traviss and including Jake Davis, Mike Taylor, Lance Ransom and Gregs' wife Heather. They really rock and you should all check it out. There website is: I highly recommend you all checkin it out. Also, go to the forums and post it up, after registering of course. I lurk there and I garuntee between Mikey, Greg and I we will keep it lively for you, and it will be a great ministry tool I truly believe once it gets populated, which is where you all come in. Forums are only what the people that post on them make it so post early, post often, and lets make it a great place to talk our brothers and sisters in the salt shaker!!!

HMMMMMMMM......what else to say, eh. Had the best German Chocolate cake today... it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Good! I need to get the recipe.. it was made from scratch and was really moist. YUM!

Well, that is about all I can think of at the moment, so have a great night and hope to see you all over on Gregs' forums (they are message boards BTW.)

And you thought this post was going to be all about Poo!!! HA!!!! Take that!


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